How to use interp1 command? (2024)

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Mohammed Alharbi on 26 Sep 2021

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Edited: Mohammed Alharbi on 4 Oct 2021

Accepted Answer: Stephen23

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How to use interp1 command? (2)

I have the code to draw each of these 6 figures as follows:

ph1 = 1;

ph2 = 2;

ph3 = 3;

ph4 = 4;

ph5 = 5;

ph6 = 6;



d= Vo./Vi ;

m1= d*ph1;

m2= d*ph2;

m3= d*ph3;

m4= d*ph4;

m5= d*ph5;

m6= d*ph6;

floor1= floor(m1);

floor2= floor(m2);

floor3= floor(m3);

floor4= floor(m4);

floor5= floor(m5);

floor6= floor(m6);

Kcm1 = (1-(floor1./(ph1*d))).*(1+floor1-ph1*d)

Kcm2 = (1-(floor2./(ph2*d))).*(1+floor2-ph2*d)

Kcm3 = (1-(floor3./(ph3*d))).*(1+floor3-ph3*d)

Kcm4 = (1-(floor4./(ph4*d))).*(1+floor4-ph4*d)

Kcm5 = (1-(floor5./(ph5*d))).*(1+floor5-ph5*d)

Kcm6 = (1-(floor6./(ph6*d))).*(1+floor6-ph6*d)

figure (1)

hold on

title('for the output current ripple')

xlabel('Duty Cycle')









grid on

hold off

What I want to do is that based on an input value (which is going to be a value on the X-axis), I want the output to choose the figures out of these 6 figures that give the minimum Y-axis value.

For example,

If I put the input value to be 0.5, which is a duty cycle value on the X-axis, then the output should display and recommend (phase-2, phase-4 and figure 6) as they give the minimum value of Y-axis (exactly 0) at this specific input value of 0.5

Another example,

If the input value is 0.25, then the recommend figure to be displayed is (phase-4 the yellow one) as this also gives the minimum value on the Y-axis, and so on.

I was told that I could use the "interp1" command for each curve and pick the minimum but I don't know how to use it.

Please help me out?

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Stephen23 on 27 Sep 2021

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Stephen23 on 27 Sep 2021

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Edited: Stephen23 on 27 Sep 2021

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Numbering your variables like that is a red-herring that makes this task more complex.

MATLAB is designed to work efficiently with arrays. Using arrays makes your code much simpler:

ph = 1:6;

Vi = 30;

Vo = 0:0.1:30;

d = Vo./Vi;

m = d(:).*ph; % note the orientation!

Kcm = (1-(floor(m)./m)).*(1+floor(m)-m);

figure (1)

title('for the output current ripple')

xlabel('Duty Cycle')




grid on

How to use interp1 command? (5)

Using arrays also makes your task much simpler:

tmp = interp1(d,Kcm,inp);

idx = find(tmp==min(tmp))

idx = 1×3

2 4 6

inp = 0.75;

tmp = interp1(d,Kcm,inp);

idx = find(tmp==min(tmp))

idx = 4

Note that the orientation of the data in m is significant, because INTERP1 treats each column as its own dataset.


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Mohammed Alharbi on 27 Sep 2021

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Thanks you so much Stephen. That was very helpful!

Mohammed Alharbi on 27 Sep 2021

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Edited: Mohammed Alharbi on 27 Sep 2021

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Hi Stephen,

why would I get only one "idx" for some cases when two different "idx" are expected. for example for inp = 0.6667, idx should be 6 and 3 as both of them will give a minumim value of 0 as per the graph, but I am only getting the result for 6

inp = 0.6667;

tmp = interp1(d,Kcm,inp);

idx = find(tmp==min(tmp))

idx =


Stephen23 on 27 Sep 2021

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Edited: Stephen23 on 27 Sep 2021

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I was wondering if you would ask about this.

The answer is that those values are actually different, due to the accumulated floating point error.

Lets have a look:

ph = 1:6;

Vi = 30;

Vo = 0:0.1:30;

d = Vo./Vi;

m = d(:).*ph; % note the orientation!

Kcm = (1-(floor(m)./m)).*(1+floor(m)-m);

inp = 0.6667;

tmp = interp1(d,Kcm,inp)

tmp = 1×6

0.3333 0.1667 0.0000 0.0833 0.0667 0.0000

fprintf('%.40f\n',tmp([3,6])) % clearly not the same!


In you want, you could compare the absolute difference against a tolerance:

tol = 1e-5; % pick this value to suit YOUR definition of how different values can be.

idx = find(abs(tmp-min(tmp))<tol)

idx = 1×2

3 6

Read more about binary floating point numbers:

This is worth reading as well:

Mohammed Alharbi on 27 Sep 2021

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I can't thank you enogh Stephen. Thanks for your time and the info


Mohammed Alharbi on 27 Sep 2021

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Hi Stephen,

Sorry to keep bothering you with my questions and I really appreciate it. Just last question:

is there a way I can plot "ph against d" using the minimum data of Kcm of all the different Ph variables.

How to use interp1 command? (11)

for example according to the graph above, when d is from 0 to 0.183, 6-phase should be selected as this will give the minimum values of Kcm, then from around 0.184 up to 0.224, 5-phase will be slected, and so on. in some cases, as discussed, for example when d=0.5, then we can select 2-phase, or 4-phase or 6-phase.

A similar graph of how I want it is shown in the bottom graph below comparing phase-3 and phase-4 to get the lowest value of Y-axis of the other graph

How to use interp1 command? (12)

Stephen23 on 27 Sep 2021

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Perhaps something like this will get you started:

ph = 1:6;

Vi = 30;

Vo = 0:0.1:30;

d = Vo./Vi;

m = d(:).*ph; % note the orientation!

Kcm = (1-(floor(m)./m)).*(1+floor(m)-m);

% new code:

X = Kcm==min(Kcm,[],2);

Y = 7-sum(c*msum(X,2)>0,2);


How to use interp1 command? (14)

Mohammed Alharbi on 28 Sep 2021

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Edited: Mohammed Alharbi on 28 Sep 2021


Thanks a lot mate!

is just that I am thinking of a way how I can represent that for some duty cycles values like for example when D=0.5, then Phase-2, Phase-4, and Phase-6, can all give the lowest Kcm value. The above figure shows only the selction of phase-2 for this case. would it be possible to overlap it with other figures likewise the orignal figure?

Thanks again!


Stephen23 on 28 Sep 2021

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"how I can represent that for some duty cycles values like for example when D=0.5, then Phase-2, Phase-4, and Phase-6, can all give the lowest Kcm value. "

That is a bit more tricky because there are varying numbers of possible results. Some possible approaches:

  • use a loop, calculate and plot each duty-cycle separately.
  • use a scatter plot, for example:

ph = 1:6;

Vi = 30;

Vo = 0:0.01:30; % <- smaller step!

d = Vo./Vi;

m = d(:).*ph; % note the orientation!

Kcm = (1-(floor(m)./m)).*(1+floor(m)-m);

% new code:

tol = 1e-5; % pick this value to suit your needs.

idx = abs(Kcm-min(Kcm,[],2))<tol;

[idr,idc] = find(idx);


How to use interp1 command? (17)

Mohammed Alharbi on 3 Oct 2021

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  • ripplecodeSimulink.m
  • wqwqq.slx

Hi Stephen,

When I am using the MATLAB Function in Simulink I get the below error:

How to use interp1 command? (19)

Althoug I predfined the dimensions of what the output is going to be, as follows:

function [PWM_signals,phase_delay,Num_phases] = PWM_FCN(vin,vout,ref) %inputs: referance current and sensed current in each phase

Num_phases = zeros(3,1);

phase_delay = zeros(6,1); %output phase shift









ph = 1:6;

Vi = 1;

Vo = 0:0.001:1;

d = Vo./Vi;

m = d(:).*ph; % note the orientation!

Kcm = (1-(floor(m)./m)).*(1+floor(m)-m);

tol = 1e-2;

inp = vout/vin;

tmp = interp1(d,Kcm,inp);

Num_phases = find(abs(tmp-min(tmp))<tol);

PWM_signals = zeros(6,1); %output state 1 or 0


% Chose the phases according to the refernce current:

if (ref > 200 && ref <= 240)


elseif (ref > 165 && ref <= 200)


elseif (ref > 130 && ref <= 165)


elseif (ref > 90 && ref <= 130)


elseif (ref > 0 && ref <= 90)


elseif ref==0




% for 6 phases


if x==6 || max(Num_phases)==6 && x >=3 % for very high current switch on all phases, Or switch the 6 phases if the current ripple is excellent to switch 6 phases yet the current should not be very low

PWM_signals = ones (6,1); % all phases are 1s

phase_delay(1) =0 ; phase_delay(2) =60*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(3) =120*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(4) =180*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(5) =240*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(6) =300*((1/100e3)/360) ;



% for 5 phases

% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

if (x > 2 && x <= 5) && (max(Num_phases) ==5) || (x == 5) && (max(Num_phases) < 5 ) % if the current is to hight to handel less the number of phases, then always swithc 5 phases

PWM_signals(1) =1 ; PWM_signals(2) =1 ; PWM_signals(3) =1 ; PWM_signals(4) =1 ; PWM_signals(5) =1 ; PWM_signals(6) =0 ; %then switch ON all the first 5 phases and switch OFF the last phase

phase_delay(1) =0 ; phase_delay(2) =72*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(3) =144*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(4) =216*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(5) =288*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(6) =0 ;



% for 4 phases


if ((x > 2 && x <= 4) && (max(Num_phases) ==4 || sum(Num_phases)/3 ==4 )) || ((x == 4) && (max(Num_phases) < 4 )) % if the

PWM_signals(1) =1 ; PWM_signals(2) =1 ; PWM_signals(3) =1 ; PWM_signals(4) =1 ; PWM_signals(5) =0 ; PWM_signals(6) =0 ;

phase_delay(1) =0 ; phase_delay(2) =90*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(3) =180*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(4) =270*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(5) =0 ; phase_delay(6) =0 ;



% for 3 phases


if (x > 0 && x <= 3) && (sum(Num_phases)/3 ==3) || (x == 3) && (max(Num_phases) < 3 )

PWM_signals(1) =1 ; PWM_signals(2) =1 ; PWM_signals(3) =1 ; PWM_signals(4) =0 ; PWM_signals(5) =0 ; PWM_signals(6) =0 ; phase_delay(1) =0 ; phase_delay(2) =120*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(3) =240*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(4) =0 ; phase_delay(5) =0 ; phase_delay(6) =0 ;



% for 2 phases


if (x > 0 && x <= 2) && (sum(Num_phases)/6 == 2 || max(Num_phases) >= 4) % 2+4+6=12/2=2

PWM_signals(1) =1 ; PWM_signals(2) =1 ; PWM_signals(3) =0 ; PWM_signals(4) =0 ; PWM_signals(5) =0 ; PWM_signals(6) =0 ;

phase_delay(1) =0 ; phase_delay(2) =180*((1/100e3)/360) ; phase_delay(3) =0 ; phase_delay(4) =0 ; phase_delay(5) =0 ; phase_delay(6) =0 ;



% for 0 phases


if ref == 0

PWM_signals = zeros (6,1);

phase_delay(1) =0 ; phase_delay(2) =0; phase_delay(3) =0; phase_delay(4) =0; phase_delay(5) =0 ; phase_delay(6) =0 ;


I removed the function and includded the inputs variables (vin,vout,ref) and put them all in a normal m.file and I don't get any error and get exactly what I want.

So can you please let me know what is the issue?

I am including both the Simulink file and the m.file


Stephen23 on 4 Oct 2021

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@Mohammed Alharbi: you should ask this in a new thread.

Mohammed Alharbi on 4 Oct 2021

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Hi Stephen,

Thanks for your response.

I already did but still waiting for a help and the thought of asking you here. This is the link for the new post:

Thanks a lot!

Mohammed Alharbi on 4 Oct 2021

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Edited: Mohammed Alharbi on 4 Oct 2021

Open in MATLAB Online

Hi Stephen,

I sloved the previous issue by putting

m = d'*ph;

instead of:

m = d(:).*ph;

But now I have another issue with using the "find" command in Simulink function block as it always returns a variable-length vector. Please have a look at this thread if you have time, I am sure you will be the one who can hlep me out with this

Thannks in advance!


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