[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (2024)

This Remnant focused mod seeks to make the faction a true challenge for the late game, while offering the player a chance to try out unique technologies on captured and modified drone ships. The mod also adds new content for the Sindrian Diktat, Tri-Tachyon, Persean League, Independents, and new missions with unique rewards to challenge the player.

Warning: Fights against the Remnant may become extremely hard, especially if you do not have many other Remnant related mods installed. Pick your battles carefully. If you find the battles too difficult, you can make adjustments in LunaLib settings. Cross-mod content for Hazard Mining Incorporated and Random Assortment of Things can also be toggled there.

I recommend pairing this mod with the excellent Truly Automated Ships for a chance to try out more of the added Remnant ships for yourself.

Emergent Threats: IX Revival
As of v0.3+, Emergent Threats now comes bundled with the 9th Domain Battlegroup standalone mod. This antagonist faction was first created in the now abandoned Arsenal Expansion mod by Inventor Raccoon, and has been revived with permission. Both ET mods can be used independently, but will interact with each other with extra content. Note that if you are running a bootleg version of Arsenal Expansion, you should disable the original's battlegroup in its mod settings to avoid two versions of the faction spawning at the same time.



Emergent Threats
-Onslaught (LG) will no longer crash in combat if given Shield Shunt

-Various script refactoring
-(RAT) Abyssal Entropy Projector spawning on Abyssal ships has been turned off by default, players who want the extra challenge can switch it back on in Lunalib settings

-Incursion (EX) DP lowered from 55 to 50
-Incandescent DP lowered from 60 to 55

-Atropos MIRV kinetic submunition range increased to account for ECCM causing warheads to separate earlier than usual
-Deadeye Plasma Seeker will deal 50 extra high explosive damage on hits against armor and hull

IX Revival
-Fixed a bug where Buffalo (IX) and Banteng (IX) hulls could not equip Ground Invansion Conversion if they had d-mods

-Various script refactoring
-Added Vampyr DEM Retrofit hullmod to A Theory of Mind mission loot

-Incursion (IX) DP lowered from 55 to 50

-Thundermark sprite made brighter

Emergent Threats
-Gave Experimental (EX) hulls blueprint package an icon

-Glycon Microforge renamed again to Missile Nanoforge to avoid confusion on the Jubilant
-Adaptive Entropy Arrestor text updated to remove old reference to Entropy Projector CR loss mechanics, actual hullmod remains unchanged

-Hellfire Colossus turning/acceleration speed increased, base flux capacity increased from 8000 to 10000, Hellfire SDEM range increased to 1200
-Aquilon Spatial Charges changed to no friendly fire to avoid AI hitting friendly ships, range slightly increased, damage increased to 300 energy 300 emp, all system activation cost reduced to 0
-Added the Proteus, a heavy carrier derivative of the Pegasus that will rarely appear among Persean League and mercenary fleets (thanks jiu!)

-Sundog Defender weapon swapped from Stinger Catapult to Spatial Charge Launcher, description updated

-Atropos MIRV will fire a shaped charge for 500 kinetic damage in addition to deploying torpedoes, ammo reduced to 15

IX Revival
-Added IX faction encounter and colony music (only 1 track each so far)
-Added a new interaction for handing the Planetkiller to the IX Battlegroup in exchange for restricted nanotech that can fully restore any automated ship

-Aquilon (IX) Starfall Rocket Swarm/Spatial Charges changed to no friendly fire, spatial charges range slightly increased, damage increased to 300 energy 300 emp, all system activation cost reduced to 0
-Aquilon (IX) sprite colors slightly adjusted, Attack and Strike NPC variants updated
-Equalizer (IX) gains Improved Supercruise hullmod comparable to Equalizer (EX), but with a higher flux threshold

-Maxim (IX) Gunship gains Advanced Optics, fighter Muon Siege Lance firing duration shortened to increase time on target

-Lowered Orthrus DEM damage by 20% from 1000/1000 to 800/800 energy per torpedo

Emergent Threats
-(Fleet Action History) Fixed an issue with various ships giving incorrect extremely high fleet point values in battle summaries

-Added high-tech Aquilon Battlecruiser with a versatile built-in launcher
-Glycon ship system increased from 3x4 to 6x4 missiles per volley, flux cost reduced from 10% to 0

-Deadeye Plasma Seeker switched to no friendly fire to match other homing missiles, projectile hitpoints increased from 250 to 400
-X-ray Pulse Laser switched to 3 round burst, per shot damage lowered from 250 to 200, dps lowered from 450 to 400, fire sound updated
-Starfall Rocket Pod (Fighter) damage reduced from 60 to 50 per rocket to bring it in line with other Starfall weapons

-Glycon built-in Missile Nanoforge renamed to Glycon Microforge, function remains unchanged

IX Revival
-Fixed crash bug when using Equalizer (IX) ship system while equipped with shield shunt
-Fixed Marzanna Protectorate reputation desyncing with IX Battlegroup
-(Fleet Action History) Fixed an issue with the Odyssey (IX) giving incorrect extremely high fleet point values in battle summaries

-Added Aquilon (IX) Battlecruiser, has different launcher mode compared to standard variant
-Maxim (IX) fighter/weapon sprite received slight update

-Thundermark Ion Seeker switched to no friendly fire to match other homing missiles
-Vampyr DEM added 3 second minimum fire after launch delay

Emergent Threats
-Added Hyperion (EX) advanced gunship

-Increased Atropos MIRV ammo count from 15 to 20

-Added Standard Plating cosmetic hullmod for (EX) hulls to change their appearance

-Added new tip on how to swap (EX) ship sprites

IX Revival
-Added Hyperion (HG) unique advanced gunship

-Stormlight Graser updated. Now performs slightly better against armor but with less extreme burst damage.
-Impact Fusion Cannon refire delay reduced from 2.6 to 2.5 seconds, causing it to actually deal 300 dps rather than slightly below it
-Added Thundermark Ion Seeker, an EMP variant of the Deadeye Plasma Seeker from Emergent Threats

-Added dialog interaction with IX and Marzanna commanders to trade in the planetkiller gained at the end of Scythe of Orion
-Lowered the odds of Panopticon Cores being offered at Vertex Station
-Marzanna subfaction will now have reputation equal to the player's reputation towards the IX Battlegroup, will only affect new games
-Added new tip on trading the planetkiller with the IX Battlegroup
-(Nexerelin) Changed the supership frigate start from Hyperion (IX) to the Hyperion (HG), if not selected at game start, it can also be gained by giving the IX a planetkiller

Emergent Threats
-Abyssal Entropy Projector special effect changed from 15% chance to reduce CR to 20% chance to chain to the nearest enemy per strike

-Gave (EX) ships alternate gray skin, with originals included for users who wish to switch back

IX Revival
-Slight update to Muon Siege Lance sprite
-Slight update to Conversion Lance explosion graphics
-Fixed Stormlight Graser damage (the weapon had been doing 20% less damage than the shown value due to burst duration)

v0.6.0 (Discord beta release)
Emergent Threats
-Updated mod_info.json to point out ET does not include IX Battlegroup content, which must be enabled separately
-Weapon script refactoring
-(Graphicslib) Added exemptions to missile self destruct

-Added Signal Masker loot to the missions "High and Mighty" and "Gaining Vantage"

-Added Flamebreaker (EX) class Cruiser, derived from the Flamingo from HTE
-Added Incursion (EX) class Battleship, derived from the Incursion from HTE
-Added Iris (EX) class Destroyer, derived from the Iris from HTE
-Added Mandrake (EX) class Destroyer, uses similar sprite as Moray from HTE
-Added Tigershark (EX) class Cruiser, derived from the Tigershark from HTE
-Incandescent ordnance points increased from 300 to 310
-Odyssey (TT) fitting variants updated

-Added Atropos MIRV large missile weapon
-Added Deadeye Plasma Seeker large energy weapon

-Added Signal Masker special item which can be installed on unique ships such as the Ziggurat to prevent the fleet from being identified when transponders are off
-Adaptive Entropy Arrestor, Adaptive/Abyssal Entropy Projector, Adaptive Metastatic Growth will show up in exploration loot even if HMI, RAT, IX Revival are not installed
-All adaptive subsystems moved to their own hullmod category

IX Revival
-Updated mod_info.json to point out IX Revival is a standalone mod separate from Emergent Threats
-Fix for null pointer crash upon trying to save the game
-Attempted fix for Reactive Combat Shields null pointer crash

-(Lunalib) Added Marzanna alternate starting condition for IX Battlegroup home system, replacing Scorn
-Weapon script refactoring
-(Graphicslib) Added exemptions to missile self destruct

-Added Mandrake (IX) class Destroyer
-Minor tweaks to Incursion (IX) and Flamebreaker (IX) weapon arcs and positions
-Iconoclast (IX) ordnance points reduced from 85 to 70, loses built-in hardened subsystems
-Tigershark (IX) shield efficiency improved from 0.8 to 0.6, large slot changed from universal to synergy
-Added Fleet auxiliary Casimir (A) class Destroyer and Hetman (A) class Light Carrier
-Ship variants for autofit and NPCs updated

-Dictum (IX) replacement time increased from 16 to 20 seconds
-Maxim (IX) gunboat added, a dangerous beam "bomber" with a single shot Muon Siege Lance

-Impact Fusion Cannon per shot damage increased from 480 to 500, thermal damage increased from 25% to 50% of base damage (300 total DPS, 1.0 flux efficiency), tech lowered to tier 2
-Stormlight Graser ammo capacity increasd from 4 to 12, significantly increasing opening salvo burst damage
-Impact Fusion Cannon projectile hit sound updated
-Conversion Lance explosion graphics updated again
-Muon Autolance generates EMP arcs more frequently but for less damange and EMP
-Added large energy weapon Muon Siege Lance

Earlier changelogs can be found on github


Known Issues


-On very rare occasions the Orthrus DEM will circle a target indefinitely without firing or despawning, or hover near a target without colliding properly.
-Combat cannot be auto-resolved until all Flourish frigates are either destroyed or have withdrawn.
-Selecting your own ships in Nexerelin start for the IX Battlegroup can sometimes randomly give you an Honor Guard version for ships used by both the regular Fleet and Honor Guard.
-The Reactive Combat Shields hullmod is intended for regular shield styles, and will override shield colors that do not adhere to the low/mid/high-tech standard on equipped ships
-Interdictor Pulse may behave oddly on rare occasions. This is due to a workaround for a display bug in the core game
-(Experimental Hullmods) Automated ships that have been modified by Experimental Hullmods may gain access to adaptive subsystem hullmods even if they technically do not qualify for them
-Solar Shield s-mod refunded OP is not displayed on the fitting window. This is an engine limitation of the core game.
-Shipwide adaptive subsystems may sometimes appear or disappear when they shouldn't. Clicking away and back should fix the issue.
-Some hullmods added to a ship by other hullmods may display their name in the wrong color. Clicking away and back should fix the issue.
-(Take No Prisoners) Some mission officers will not display their skills correctly when captured. They will display their proper skills after recruiting or a reload.


IX Battlegroup Preview


[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (2)
Flourish, Wolf, Temblor*, Hyperion*
Iconoclast, Medusa, Shrike
Fury, Flamebreaker, Aurora, Tigershark*
Equalizer, Odyssey*, Incursion, Paragon, Radiant*
Terminus, Axiom, Dictum
Buffalo, Banteng

*Honor Guard ships that defend the IX Battlegroup home system and only rarely appear in regular patrols

Morningstar CIWS, Lightbringer CIWS, Twin Tactical Laser, Electrostatic Projector,
Fusion Impact Cannon, Conversion Lance, Stormlight Graser,
Muon Streamer, Muon Autolance, Starfall Rocket Pod, Starfall MLRS Launcher, S/M/L Orthrus DEM,
Cutting Beam*, Soliton Burst Emitter*, Interdictor Array*, Vampyr DEM*, Antecedent Device*



Remnant Ship Preview


[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (3)
Lampetia Drone Mothership
Fast moving battlecarrier derived from the militarized Odyssey (TT)

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (4)
Incandescent Drone Battleship
Aggressive battleship armed with dual Hydromagnetic Cannons that degrade enemy ship performance

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (5)[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (6)
Resplendent Command Droneship
Heavy carrier capable of mass deploying a swarm of drones, or enhancing a smaller number of bombers

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (7)
Jubilant Missile Droneship
A light missile cruiser that packs a heavy opening punch

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (8)
Effulgent Droneship
A missile variant of the Fulgent for supporting Remnant fleets at range

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (9)[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (10)
Helia Strategic Bomber
Reaper torpedo bomber, with the firepower of the Cobra but twice the numbers.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (11)
Sundog Defender
Mobile artillery that stays with the mothership while also providing point defense.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (12)
Bolide Hunter-Killer
A new threat encountered at Nexus stations.


Faction Ship Preview


Experimental Hulls

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (13)
Prototype High Tech designs recovered by Tri-Tachyon, with rarely seen experimental ship systems.


[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (14)
Odyssey (TT) Battlecarrier
Fast and versatile carrier based on the Odyssey and perfected by Tri-Tachyon

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (15)
Aquilon Battlecruiser
Variable munitions battlecruiser with a ship system suited to every situation

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (16)
Glycon Missile Cruiser
A high-tech cruiser with staying power that uses small missiles to devastating effect

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (17)
Maquech Escort Carrier
A Buffalo carrier conversion for those who can't afford better

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (18)
Hellfire Colossus Battlecruiser
If it works but it gets you killed, your pirate friends will be very glad it works

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (19) [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (20)
Banteng Long-haul Freighter
A versatile long range freighter designed to haul both fuel and cargo at the same time

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (21)
Proteus Carrier
Despite the carrier's paint job, the League has turned a lemon into lemonade

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (22)
Exhortation Battlecarrier
Of course the fleet carrier for the Diktat would be fearsome and glorious!

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (23)
Unifier Flight Deck Cruiser
A carrier-cruiser hybrid that went into production due to a word from the Supreme Executor.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (24)
Preceptor Escort Carrier
A converted freighter since relegated to the Diktat Navy.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (25)
Kite (LG) Gunship
The humble shuttle converted into a carrier based gunship.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (26)
Estoc Bomber
A DEM torpedo with a biological guidance system.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (27)
Spatha Heavy Fighter
The Diktat's latest standard heavy fighter, capable yet extremely overbuilt.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (28)
Gladius (LG) Heavy Fighter
An experimental fighter reserved for the Lion's Guard.


Mission Bounties


[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (29)
Resplendent (EX) Command Carrier
A relic of the last war.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (30)
Mutilator Phase Destroyer
A harbinger of the next war.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (31)
Mimesis Modified Superfreighter
An insatiable avatar of greed.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (32)
Praxis Modified Cruiser
A deadly skirmisher.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (33)
Invictus (LG) Dreadnought
A reborn titan controlled by a madman.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (34)
Onslaught (LG) Battleship
A sentimental relic.


Weapon Preview


[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (35)
Deadeye Plasma Seeker
A heavy energy weapon that can track its target.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (36)
Atropos MIRV
A long range strike weapon with plentiful ammo.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (37)
X-Ray Pulse Laser
Extended range pulse laser, a reliable workhorse among large energy weapons.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (38)
Kinetic Blaster (modded)
Ersatz [SUPER ALABASTER] pulse weapon with high anti-shield burst damage but extreme weakness against armor.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (39)
Siege Burst Laser
A Diktat (re)invention, bulky and power hungry, but effective against both shields and armor.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (40)
Tactical Burst Laser
A smaller Siege Burst Laser that works on a similar principle.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (41)
Ion Streamer
An ultralight EMP beam weapon.


Hullmod Preview


[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (42)
Adaptive Subsystems
Unique one-per-ship Remnant hullmods that enhance ship performance, often in unusual ways.
They are dynamically added to all Remnant ships encountered by the player, even those from other mods.

Also includes new Emergent Technologies hullmods that will modify your ships in unique and interesting ways.


Many more existing variants of Remnant ships have been refit, making them much more challenging in fleet battles. Revisions have also been made to Sindrian Diktat and Tri-Tachyon doctrine, making Lion's Guard ships more commonplace and available on the market, and Tri-Tachyon carriers more prevalent.

In addition, face off against unique enemies in new missions picked up from the unsanctioned bounty board, each with unique rewards:

  • To Hunt a White Whale: Face off against a pirate queen for a chance to gain a set of unique blueprints.
  • High and Mighty: Crash a black market arms deal between a smuggler and the Diktat Navy.
  • Shattered Fortress: Preserve the peace by striking against a Lion's Guard secret weapon.
  • Gaining Vantage: Track down a mysterious ghost ship and learn its secrets.
  • A Diamond in the Dark: Begin the hunt for the dark mover at the center of the enemies you have faced.
  • Cleaning up a Mess (requires HMI): Chase down rumors of a gate activation and face off against an unusual enemy.
  • A Theory of Mind (requires IX Revival): Investigate a strange meeting between numerous AI drones.

Other Features and Changes

  • Adds Adaptive Subsystem hullmod support for various mods with Remnant content.
  • New hullmods for Hazard Mining Incorporated, Random Assortment of Things, Underworld
  • Changes to the performance of Lux and Flash fighter drones.
  • Nexerelin: 2 new Large Carrier game starts, one for each new carrier.
  • Disables Expanded Deck Crew, Rescue Shuttle on automated ships.
  • New sound for the Autopulse Laser.

Future Plans

  • Add new content for the Diamond Nexus, allowing players to fight spawned Remnant fleets while still supporting Midnight Dissonant at Prism.

Art/Music Credit


turkler: Odyssey (TT)/Odyssey (IX)/Lampetia, Invictus (LG), Onslaught (LG)
Inventor Raccoon: Flourish and original Arsenal Expansion IX Battlegroup content
HELMUT: Estoc, Spatha, Sundog, Bolide, Glycon, Maquech, Onslaught (LG), Incandescent, Hydromagnetic Cannon, X-Ray Pulse Laser, LR Burst Laser, Siege Burst Laser, Deadeye Plasma Seeker, Ion Streamer, Electrostatic Projector, Lightbringer CIWS, Twin Tactical Laser, Antecedent Device, Vampyr DEM
Snrasha, Tartiflette, tenoki: Resplendent
EnderHero00: Mutilator
BigBeans: Praxis
Mr.Crimeguru: Banteng, Casimir (IX), Hetman (IX), Maxim (IX)
NeoLemon, Procrasadini: Hellfire Colossus
axlemc131: Mandrake (IX/EX)
tesser: Industrial Nano-replicator, Signal Masker
Passwalker, theDragn: Iconoclast (IX/EX), Flamebreaker (IX/EX), Tigershark (IX/EX), Equalizer (IX/EX)
Bananana: Aquilon/Aquilon (IX)
jiu: Proteus

Amber: IX encounter music
Fesliyan Studios: IX colony music

With further edits by me. Various ship stats are also based on those found in High Tech Expansion by theDragn.


A big thank you to everyone whose freely shared ship and weapon sprites went into make this mod. Without you providing the foundations, none of this would have been possible.

Emergent Threats by vicegrip is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

[0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5 (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.